Larry Clark
Memorial Fund Society
Larry Clark’s passing resulted in a large outcry to honour his memory and many organizations and individuals have pledged ongoing financial support to make this a reality. The committee’s mandate will be to establish an ongoing administration of funds to establish and maintain appropriate initiatives to honour Larry’s memory. It most likely will be a suitable annual bursary and/or award to a Junior Handler in his name.
About The Bursary
The Larry Clark Memorial Fund National Bursary was established to aid a current or former junior handler in their quest to further their education beyond secondary school. This is consistent with Larry’s lifelong passion, dedication and quest for Juniors to succeed at every level. The intent is to support post secondary education at a University, College or a Technical school.
The applicant must have been involved in the sport of purebred dogs for a minimum of two (2) years in either Conformation or Performance events sanctioned by the Canadian Kennel Club. They must have competed in Junior Handling at any level while demonstrating a high degree of Sportsmanship. Former and current Junior Handlers who will be entering or continuing their Post Secondary Education (College or University) from across Canada are invited to apply for this National Bursary.
The applicant will be expected to provide the following:
An academic transcript from previous institution(s) the applicant has attended along with the enrollment or approval letter from the post secondary institution.
One letter of reference reflecting the applicant's worthiness from (i) a teacher or instructor, (ii) a member of the dog community or an individual who has known the applicant for at least two (2) years.
For the competition year 2024 we would request an essay of 500 words. The applicant should outline their involvement with purebred dogs with an explanation of how the applicant is a worthy candidate and touch briefly on their career aspirations and future plans.
Currently the National Bursary is for $1000 for first place, $500 for second and $250 for third place. Deadline for submission is September 2, 2024.
The essays become the property of the National Bursary fund and will be published.
The essays will be adjudicated by a panel selected by the committee from individuals across the country.
Applications are to be sent to Richard Paquette, Box 640 Azalea ON POM1B0 or emailed to wenrick@wemrick.ca
2024 Bursary Applications open on or about May 1 - Deadline September 2, 2024

In order to get a bank account in the Fund’s name we have registered with the BC Societies. To that end we have drafted and passed a Constitution and Bylaws. We also elected an Executive consisting of:
President - Richard Paquette
Vice President - Cathy Wankel
Secretary - Jolie Thompson-McMullan
Treasurer - Shelley Mackie
Additional members:
Shaunna & Madison Bernardin
Penny Lewis
Courtney Penner
Nicole Hardt
Christy Lynn Clark
Emma Gheseger